
Past Continuous

Мы используем Past Continuous для того, чтобы описывать действие в определенный момент в прошлом.

Утвердительная, отрицательная и вопросительная формы
I was reading a book.I wasn’t reading a book.Was I reading a book?
You were reading a book.You weren’t reading a book.Were you reading a book?
He was reading a book.He wasn’t reading a book.Was he reading a book?
She was reading a book.She wasn’t reading a book.Was she reading a book?
We were reading the books.We weren’t reading the books.Were we reading the books?
They were reading the books.They weren’t reading the books.Were they reading the books?
It was raining.It wasn’t raining.Was it raining?


Peter and Paula were at the café from 7 pm till 8:30 pm yesterday.

They were drinking coffee at 7:30 pm.

Past Continuous
